مقاله با موضوع آموزش و پرورش
Using Technology to Teach Fractions
What is this research about?
In North America, students have traditionally struggled to learn fractions. This is a critical issue as understanding fractions is an important aspect of everyday decision- making. Teachers have also struggled with teaching students the concepts behind fractions because of a lack of discipline knowledge and pedagogical content. This research introduced five sets of learning objects, called CLIPS, which were developed to assist teachers in teaching the concepts behind fractions.
What did the researchers do?
Ross and Bruce (2009), introduced teachers and students in grades 7-10 classrooms to Critical Learning Instructional Paths Supports (CLIPS) multi -media learning objects
focused on fractions.
In Study 1, 14 grade 7 to10 teachers from one public school district in Ontario, Canada selected students they believed would benefit from CLIPS. These students were tested on fractions achievement in comparison to students who had either not completed
CLIPS or had partially completed CLIPS.
What you need to know:
Across two studies, teachers were introduced to five sets of learning objects called CLIPS, developed to assist teachers in teaching the concepts behind fractions. Although the first study was hampered by hardware and software issues, both studies showed that students who completed all five CLIPS sets had higher achievement in solving fraction- based problems.
In Study 2, the same comparison between non-CLIPS, partial CLIPS, and full CLIPS students was done between 307 grade 7 students in 18 classrooms in a Catholic school district in Ontario.
What did the researchers find?
In general the researchers found that across both groups, students who completed the full CLIPS course outperformed students who
did not.
One problem that arose during the study,
was student absences from school. Because teachers tended to peg CLIPS instruction to
the days of the week, any student missing a day missed important CLIPS lessons on
learning constructs and instructions related to fractions. These absences had a negative influence on student outcomes.
The researchers also warn that the design of the first study was ‘quasi-experimental’ as it was the teachers, and not the researchers who picked the students who received CLIPS.
How can you use this research?
Fractions are an important concept in mathematics with real life implications for students. CLIPS shows that technology- assisted solutions for teaching fractions can be promising. This study also shows the importance of having more than a single evaluation in an education research study since once the researchers solved hardware and software problems from the first evaluation they began to see the actual benefits of the program.
About the Researchers
Dr. John A. Ross is Professor Emeritus of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto and head of the Institute’s field centre in Peterborough, Ontario. His research interests are mathematics education, student assessment and program evaluation.
Dr. Catherine D. Bruce is Associate Professor of Education and Professional Learning at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario. Her research interests focus on mathematics education, professional learning and qualitative methods.
Ross, J.A. & Bruce, C.D. (2009). Student achievement effects of technology-supported remediation of understanding of fractions. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 40(6),
713-727. Available online at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/
Fractions, mathematics, student achievement, technology.
About this summary
The Ontario Education Research Exchange (OERE) is a project of the Knowledge Network for Applied Education Research, an Ontario network promoting the use of research in education. The OERE’s clear language summaries of academic research aim to support this mandate. This summary
reflects findings from this study only and is not necessarily representative of the broader
body of literature on this subject. This summary has been adapted from the ResearchSnapshot series developed by York
University and ResearchImpact and has been developed according to writing and design
principles unique to OERE. To learn more about the OERE please visit the OERE website at http://oere.oise.utoronto.ca/ or
email the OERE team at oere.knaer.oise@utoronto.ca.
Teachers’ Familiarity and Use of
Formative Assessment Strategies to
Enhance Student Learning
What is this research about?
Two types of assessments are often used by teachers: formative and summative assessments. Summative assessments (such as pen and paper tests and exams) have a grade value attached to them and are used to evaluate a students’ level of understanding about a subject.
Formative assessments, on the other hand, are non-evaluative tools and strategies that can be used on a regular basis by teachers to help guide student learning. Formative assessments may include verbal or written feedback from teachers, strategic questions that helps guide a student’s thinking or allow the teacher to gauge where a student is at in their learning (which allows teachers to better plan future lessons), opportunities for students to provide each other with feedback (peer assessment), and opportunities for students to self-assess their own work.
Formative assessment strategies are critical to student learning because they help students understand how they can improve their work and give students an opportunity to do so prior to a summative assessment, which is used to
determine a final evaluation in a subject area. In this study, the researchers investigated K-12 teachers’ familiarity with, and use of, formative
assessment practices. The researchers also
examined the factors that accounted for the
What you need to know:
This study examined how a small sample of twenty K-12 teachers used formative assessment practices in their classrooms. The researchers found that most teachers participating in this study used a number of formative assessment strategies; however, teachers were more likely to report feeling less comfortable using two types of formative assessment strategies: peer and self assessments. For this reason, the researchers suggest that further professional development opportunities for teachers may be needed in these areas.
under use of these practices in Ontario classrooms.
What did the researchers do?
The researchers focused on investigating teachers familiarity with, and use of, the following formative assessment practices:
· providing students with verbal and written feedback;
· asking students strategic questions to help guide their thinking;
· having students assess each others’ work
(peer assessment);
· having students evaluate their own work
(self assessment);
· and using summative assessments (such as the Education Quality and Accountability Office large-scale assessment test) in a formative way.
The researchers also examined whether teachers had received professional development in the area of assessment and evaluation.
To collect data, the researchers interviewed a small sample of 20 teachers from two district school boards in southern Ontario. Of the 20 participants, 9 were elementary and 11 were secondary teachers. The average number of teaching years for participants was 12.1 years.
The 20 participants were asked open-ended questions which had been designed to allow teachers to share their familiarity with, and use of, formative assessment practices. Some of the questions asked included: “What does
formative assessment mean to you and how do you use it in your classroom?”, and, “Please share your professional development experience in assessment and evaluation?”
During the interviews, the researchers also probed participants’ responses to better understand the depth of their knowledge about, and use of, formative assessment practices.
The researchers analyzed the interview transcripts for emerging themes.
What did the researchers find?
The researchers found that:
· overall, there was no difference between
secondary and elementary teachers’ familiarity with, and use of, formative assessment practices;
· all teacher respondents reported regularly using strategic questions to inform their instruction and planning;
· all participants considered providing students with feedback without grades a powerful strategy to enhance student performance. However, secondary
teachers in particular indicated they felt
pressured by parents and students’ to report grade results, even though as teachers, they may wish to focus on improving student learning;
· participants felt that assessment should be seen as a collaborative process involving the student, peers, and teacher. They also valued students’ critical self-assessment
as an important step in the learning process. However, teachers reported having the most difficulty effectively using peer assessment and student self assessment and suggested that they needed to become more comfortable and skilled at using these formative assessment strategies;
· most teachers used summative assessments in a formative way (for example, using EQAO results to help set goals for students) but reported doing so without enthusiasm and in isolation of other forms of school-based summative assessments (classroom assessment tasks);
· teachers supported the need for professional development to improve daily formative assessment practices but preferred self-directed professional development over top-down professional development from the school or board;
· most participants mentioned the Faculty of Education and other additional qualification courses as the primary source for their professional development in the area of assessment and evaluation practices.
How can you use this research?
Given the small sample of teachers examined in this study, teachers and administrators will want
Classroom: Synergies and Tensions between Research and Practice. Canadian Journal of Education, 34(2), 239-255. Available online at http://ojs.vre.upei.ca/index.php/cje-rce/article/ view/407
Formative assessment, teacher knowledge, professional development.
to consider the wider body of research on
formative assessment and the value of
formative assessment practices for improving student learning. Educators can use this research as a starting point for discussion about formative assessment practices in their own school and the types of practices that teachers may find challenging to implement.
Administrators may also want to consider ways to support teachers’ professional development in the area of formative assessment, including: in-service training opportunities, providing time
for teachers to read current research in the area of formative assessment strategies, and providing opportunities for teachers to learn
from each by observing each others classroom practices relating to formative assessment.
About the Researchers
At the time this research article was published:
Louis Volante was an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education at Brock University. louis.volante@brocku.ca
Danielle Beckett was a PhD student in Educational Studies at Brock University. danielle.beckett@brocku.ca
Volante, Louis., Beckett, Danielle (2011). Formative Assessment and the Contemporary
About this summary
The Ontario Education Research Exchange (OERE) is a project of the Knowledge Network for Applied Education Research, an Ontario network promoting the use of research in education. The OERE’s clear language summaries of academic research aim to support this mandate. This summary reflects findings from this study only and is not necessarily representative of the broader body of literature on this subject. This summary has been adapted
from the ResearchSnapshot series developed by York University and ResearchImpact and has been developed according to writing and design principles unique to OERE. To learn more about the OERE please visit the OERE website at http://oere.oise.utoronto.ca/ or email the OERE team at oere.knaer.oise@utoronto.ca.
ترجمه :
آشنایی معلمان با استفاده ازاستراتژی های ارزیابی
سازنده بهمنظور ارتقاء یادگیری دانش آموزان
این پژوهش در مورد چیست ؟ارزیابی سازنده و تراکمی : دو نوع ارزیابی ها اغلب توسط معلمان استفاده می شود. ارزیابی
تراکمی (مانند آزمون های قلم و کاغذ و امتحانات ) ارزش درجه متصل به آنها و
به منظور بررسی سطح دانش آموزان است از فهم در مورد یک موضوع استفاده می
شود .ارزیابی
شکل گیری ، از سوی دیگر ، ابزار غیر ارزیابانه و استراتژی است که می تواند
به صورت منظم توسط معلمان مورد استفاده قرار گیرد برای کمک به راهنمای
یادگیری دانش آموز . ارزیابی
شکل ممکن است شامل بازخورد شفاهی یا کتبی از معلمان ، سوالات استراتژیک
است که کمک می کند تا تفکر دانش آموز راهنمایی یا اجازه می دهد معلم به سنج
که در آن یک دانش آموز در در یادگیری خود را ( که اجازه می دهد تا معلمان
به طرح بهتر درس آینده ) است ، فرصت برای دانش آموزان به ارائه هر دیگر با بازخورد ( ارزیابی همکار) ، و فرصت برای دانش آموزان به خود ارزیابی از کار خود .استراتژی
های ارزیابی سازنده برای یادگیری دانش آموزان بسیار مهم هستند زیرا آنها
به دانش آموزان کمک می کند بفهمند آنها چگونه می تواند کار خود را بهبود
بخشد و به دانش آموزان فرصت به انجام این کار قبل ازارزیابی تراکمی ، است
که مورد استفاده قرارتعیین
یک ارزیابی نهایی در یک موضوع است . در این مطالعه ، محققان آشنایی K- 12 معلمان با بررسی، و استفاده از ، شکلشیوه های ارزیابی . محققان همچنینعواملی که برای مطالعه قرار گرفتند
آنچه شما باید بدانید :این مطالعه به بررسی یک نمونه کوچک از بیست K- 12 معلمان شیوه های ارزیابی سازنده در کلاس های درس خود استفاده می شود . محققان
دریافتند که بسیاری از معلمان شرکت کننده در این مطالعه با استفاده از
تعدادی از استراتژی های ارزیابی سازنده ، با این حال ، معلمان با احتمال
بیشتری به گزارش احساس راحت کمتر با استفاده از دو نوع استراتژی های
ارزیابی سازنده : همکار و ارزیابی خود . به همین دلیل، محققان نشان می دهد که بیشتر فرصت های توسعه حرفه ای معلمان ممکن است در این زمینه مورد نیاز است .تحت استفاده از این شیوه در کلاس های درس انتاریو .آن چه محققان کار را کرد؟محققان در تحقیق آشنایی معلمان با متمرکز شده است، و استفاده از شیوه های ارزیابی سازنده زیر :• ارائه دانش آموزان با بازخورد شفاهی و کتبی ؛• درخواست دانش آموزان سوالات استراتژیک برای کمک به هدایت تفکر خود را ؛
• داشتن دانش آموزان ارزیابی کار هر یک از دیگران( ارزیابی همکار) ؛• داشتن دانش آموزان کار خود ارزیابی( ارزیابی خود ) ؛•
و با استفاده از ارزیابی تراکمی ( مانند کیفیت آموزش و پرورش و دفتر
آزمون ارزیابی پاسخگویی در مقیاس بزرگ ) در راه شکل گیری است .محققان نیز مورد بررسی قرار گرفت که آیا معلمان توسعه حرفه ای در منطقه ارزیابی و ارزیابی دریافت کرده بود .برای جمع آوری داده ها، محققان یک نمونه کوچک از 20 معلم از دو تخته مدرسه منطقه در جنوب انتاریو مصاحبه . از 20 شرکت کننده ، 9 ابتدایی و 11 معلمان ثانویه . متوسط تعداد سال های آموزشی برای شرکت کنندگان 12.1 سال بود .20
شرکت کننده از سوالات باز که طراحی شده بود ، به معلمان اجازه می دهد برای
به اشتراک گذاشتن آشنایی خود را با ، و استفاده از ، شیوه های ارزیابی
سازنده خواسته شد. برخی از سوالات پرسیده شده عبارت بودند از: "چهارزیابی
سازنده برای شما متوسط است و چگونه شما آن را در کلاس درس خود استفاده
کنید ؟ " ، و ،" ، لطفا تجربه توسعه حرفه ای خود را در ارزیابی و ارزیابی
به اشتراک بگذارید ؟ "در
طول مصاحبه ، محققان همچنین پاسخ شرکت کنندگان جستوجو برای درک بهتر عمق
دانش خود را در مورد ، و استفاده از ، شیوه های ارزیابی سازنده .محققان متن مصاحبه برای تم در حال ظهور تجزیه و تحلیل .آن چه محققان را پیدا کنم؟محققان دریافتند که :• به طور کلی، هیچ تفاوتی بین وجود دارد
آشنایی معلمان مقاطع ابتدایی و با ، و استفاده از ، شیوه های ارزیابی سازنده ؛• تمام پاسخ دهندگان معلم به طور منظم با استفاده از سوالات استراتژیک آموزش و برنامه ریزی خود را به اطلاع .• همه شرکت کنندگان در نظر گرفته شده ارائه دانش آموزان با بازخورد بدون . نمرات
استراتژی قدرتمند برای
افزایش عملکرد دانش آموز . با این حال ، ثانویهمعلمان به طور خاص نشان داد که آنها احساستحت
فشار پدر و مادر و دانش آموزان برای گزارش نتایج کلاس ، حتی اگر به عنوان
معلمان، آنها ممکن است بخواهند به تمرکز بر بهبود یادگیری دانش آموز ؛• شرکت کنندگان احساس کردند که ارزیابی باید به عنوان یک فرایند مشارکتی که شامل دانش آموزان، همسالان، و معلم دیده می شود . آنها همچنین ارزش حیاتی خود ارزیابی دانش آموزانبه عنوان گام مهمی در فرایند یادگیری است . با
این حال ، معلمان داشتن بیشترین مشکل را به طور موثر با استفاده از
ارزیابی همسالان و ارزیابی خود دانش آموز و پیشنهاد کرد که آنها مورد نیاز
برای تبدیل شدن به راحت تر و ماهر در استفاده از این استراتژی ارزیابی
سازنده ؛•
اکثر معلمان به ارزیابی تراکمی در راه شکل گیری ( به عنوان مثال، با
استفاده از نتایج EQAO برای کمک به اهداف مجموعه ای برای دانش آموزان )
استفاده می شود ، اما انجام این کار بدون شور و شوق و در انزوا از دیگر
اشکال از مدرسه مبتنی بر ارزیابی تراکمی ( وظایف ارزیابی کلاس درس) ؛•
معلمان نیاز برای توسعه حرفه ای به منظور بهبود شیوه های روزانه ارزیابی
سازنده اما توسعه حرفه ای خود کارگردانی ارجح بر توسعه حرفه ای از بالا به
پایین از مدرسه و یا هیئت مدیره ؛
بسیاری از شرکت کنندگان دانشکده آموزش و پرورش و دیگر دوره های صلاحیت
اضافی به عنوان منبع اصلی برای توسعه حرفه ای خود را در منطقه ارزیابی و
شیوه های ارزیابی ذکر شده است.چگونه می توان این پژوهش را استفاده می کنید؟با توجه به نمونه کوچکی از معلمان مورد بررسی در این مطالعه ، معلمان و مدیران می خواهید
کلاس درس : هم افزایی و تنش میان پژوهش و عمل است . کانادا مجله آموزش و پرورش ، 34 (2) ، 239-255 . آنلاین موجود در http://ojs.vre.upei.ca/index.php/cje-rce/article/ view/407 استکلید واژه هاارزیابی سازنده ، دانش معلم، توسعه حرفه ای است .
به نظر بدن وسیع تری از پژوهش درارزیابی سازنده و ارزش
شیوه های ارزیابی سازنده برای بهبود یادگیری دانش آموز است . مربیان
می توانند این پژوهش به عنوان یک نقطه شروع برای بحث در مورد شیوه های
ارزیابی سازنده در مدرسه خود و انواع شیوه های که معلمان ممکن است دریابید
چالش کشیدن برای پیاده سازی استفاده کنید.مدیران
همچنین ممکن است بخواهید به در نظر گرفتن راه هایی برای حمایت از توسعه
حرفه ای معلمان در منطقه ارزیابی سازنده ، از جمله: فرصت های آموزش ضمن
خدمت ، ارائه زمانبرای معلمان به خواندن پژوهش حاضر در منطقه از استراتژی های ارزیابی سازنده و ارائه فرصت ها برای معلمان برای یادگیریاز هر با مشاهده هر یک از دیگران شیوه های کلاس درس مربوط به ارزیابی سازنده .درباره محققاندر آن زمان این مقاله پژوهشی منتشر شد:لویی Volante در یک دانشیار در دانشکده آموزش و پرورش در دانشگاه براک بود. louis.volante @ brocku.caدانیل بکت یک دانشجوی دکترا در مطالعات آموزشی در دانشگاه براک بود. danielle.beckett @ brocku.caنقل قولVolante در ، لویی ، بکت ، دانیل (2011) . ارزیابی سازنده و معاصر
درباره این خلاصهانتاریو
تحقیقات آموزش و پرورش تبادل ( OERE ) یک پروژه از شبکه دانش برای تحقیقات
کاربردی آموزش و پرورش، یک شبکه انتاریو ترویج استفاده از پژوهش در آموزش و
پرورش است . خلاصه زبان روشن OERE تحقیقات دانشگاهی با هدف حمایت از این دستور . این خلاصه یافته های حاصل از این مطالعه نشان دهنده و لزوما نماینده از بدن گسترده تر از ادبیات در این موضوع نیست . این خلاصه اقتباس شده استتوسعه
از سری ResearchSnapshot توسط دانشگاه نیویورک و ResearchImpact خود و بر
اساس به اصول طراحی منحصر به فرد برای OERE نوشتن و توسعه یافته شده است . برای
کسب اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد OERE لطفا در http://oere.oise.utoronto.ca/
بازدید وب سایت OERE به یا ایمیلگروه OERE در oere.knaer.oise @
utoronto.ca است .
The Effect of School Culture on Student
Achievement and Engagement
What is this research about?
In addition to fulfilling academic graduation requirements, successful completion of high school may also require that students navigate their way within the values and norms of individual school cultures. In other words, students must attempt to master both the formal curriculum and the “hidden curriculum” of their daily interactions with administrators, teachers, and peers.
This study investigated the impact of secondary school culture, on academic achievement and student engagement in two Ontario secondary schools. In particular, school culture was defined as including the principles, values and basic assumptions that guide a school’s administrative procedures and organizational structures; shaping the nature of relationships between and amongst students and school staff.
Student engagement was defined in terms of students’ sense of belonging, the belief that their school encourages all students to learn, the extent of students’ participation in both academic and extra-curricular activities, and the extent to which students felt isolated in their school community.
What you need to know:
This study investigated the impact of secondary school culture on the academic achievement and engagement of students in two Ontario secondary schools. Although student survey and interview results indicated that school culture did
not have a significant impact on student achievement, the degree to which
students felt respected, and the extent to
which students believed that their school encouraged their achievement, did significantly impact students’ sense of belonging in their school community.
What did the researcher do?
268 grade 11 students (137 females and 131 males) completed a survey which explored students’ opinions regarding:
a. school administrative practices;
b. the nature of their relationships with school staff;
c. the extent of their participation in school life; and
d. the state of their peer relationships.
The survey contained a mixture of both closed ended questions where student participants chose from a 5 point Likert-
scale and open ended questions that allowed students to respond in their own words.
In addition to the survey, the researcher conducted semi-structured interviews with six students (5 females and 1 male) to further explore the opinions expressed in the survey.
Both schools had a student population between 900-1000 students and were located in a mid-sized Ontario city. Of the participating students, 50.7% were enrolled in General level courses; 45.1% in Advance level courses; and 1.5% were in Basic level or special needs courses.
What did the researcher find?
Results from this study revealed that while school culture had a limited impact on student achievement in terms of grade point average (GPA) or the level of their course enrollment (academic, general or basic), there were several impacts on student engagement in school:
· The degree to which students felt respected and the extent to which students believed that their school encouraged their achievement significantly impacted students’ sense of belonging;
· Students who reported feeling comfortable entering new social situations were more likely to participate in extra-curricular activities and were less likely to feel isolated in their school community;
· Students who perceived that schools
were designed to benefit only a select few, on the other hand, reported lower levels of engagement in their school.
The researcher concluded that secondary school cultures can either be inclusive in nature in that they actively seek to enhance students’ sense of belonging or they can engage in practices that exclude some students from becoming full participants in the school community.
How can you use this research?
Teachers and administrators may wish to consider:
· Consulting the broader body of literature on the impact of school culture on various student outcomes;
· Actively engaging in inclusionary practices such as heterogeneous student groupings and even application of school codes of behavior to support the engagement of all students;
· Proactively surveying the student population to obtain their input on activities or practices specific to their context that would enhance their engagement in school life.
About the Researcher
Patrick Brady is an Associate Professor with the Faculty of Education at Lakehead University. His research interests include school and organizational culture and legal issues in education.
Brady, P. (2005). Inclusionary and exclusionary secondary schools: The effect of school culture on student outcomes. Interchange, 36(3), 295-311. Available online at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%
Student achievement, student engagement, school culture, curriculum.
About this summary
The Ontario Education Research Exchange (OERE) is a project of the Knowledge Network for Applied Education Research, an Ontario network promoting the use of research in education. The OERE’s clear language summaries of academic research aim to support this mandate. This summary reflects findings from this study only and is not necessarily representative of the broader body of literature on this subject. This summary has been adapted from the ResearchSnapshot series developed by
York University and ResearchImpact and
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